Sunday, December 28, 2014

"Blogging-In" the New Year

There's just something about writing that stirs me.  When I become a hot mess of emotions, usually chips and chocolate are my quick go-to's, but what I really need to do is pray and type.

Too many pounds later, I think I finally get it.  It's been a hard year.  Many poor choices, mountains of stress, and more time and sleep sacrificed than I care to count!  No running.  No blogging.  Little time carved out for prayer.

Yet, 2015 sits on the horizon; anxious to bring new beginnings.  2014 is what it is, but I can "put my big girl panties on" and embrace my opportunity to begin again.  Begin making new habits.  Begin making wiser choices.  Begin restoring health to my home, my family, and my body&soul.  Begin listening for what the Lord has planned for my year ahead.  After all, He's the One writing my story.

My iNerd hubby blessed me with an iPad that sits in a keyboard case for Christmas.  No more lugging my 17" laptop to CBS.  :)  I've fiddled with it for several days.  Even wrote my Christmas letter on it; although it was after Christmas.  But today, my heart leapt when I realized, I could BLOG again!  The closed door of blogging has been opened again!

The New Year ahead seems very much like Spring to me.  A season of change; saying goodbye to the season of dark and cold; opportunities for growth; time for health; winds of change for our family; and the hope of  new things blossoming from tiny seeds.

Running, praying, blogging.....these are a few of my favorites things.....