Sunday, December 25, 2016

"Mary" Christmas, Jesus

December 25, 2016

My Jesus, Emmanuel,
      Oh, how Your mama must have delighted in Your Divine birth from her humble vessel.  Surrounded by drama and judgement, Your mama gracefully walked the unknown road in faith she could not see.  Scared, excited, joyful, anxious, nervous, and somewhat dumbfounded that night.  You chose her to birth the Savior of the world.  You left Your Heavenly throne to be born into our broken world, through the womb of Mary.  You knew the plans You had for Mary, plans to prosper her and not to harm her, plans to give her hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  You chose Mary "for such a time as this".
     Hope.  Hope was born that night for all who believe in Your Holy Name.  Emmanuel--God with us, was born upon this earth so that we may not be separated from God by our brokenness.  Your rescue mission for humanity became flesh and blood so that Your gift of salvation would be our Hope.  
     I am certain Mary must have clung to that same Hope.  When the road was hard and messy.  When she could not explain her circumstances.  When life seemed like an immovable mountain before her.  When loneliness fought to consume her.  When she questioned whether she could really do what You were asking her to do.  Hope that she truly was part of something far bigger than herself.  
      Christmas.  The day a humble mama birthed Hope for all the world.  The day You gave the world the Ultimate gift of eternal life.  We may dress up Christmas with lights, trees, presents, Santa, and cookies, but Jesus its only about You.  We simply extend Your love to others and provide the Hope of You, Jesus.
     Jesus, may You be honored and glorified today above All.  May I always remember the rescue mission You completed in Your perfect Love.  For me.  For Mary.  For the world.  Jesus, You are our Hope.  When my world seems upside down.  When I'm scared and feel alone.  When You ask me to walk the unknown road in faith I cannot see.  Help me to remember the Hope of Christmas that Mary clung to.  You know the plans You have for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me Hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Hope for my brokenness.  Emmanuel--God with me.

Love and Hope,
Your Jesus-girl