Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"UP"---Love Leaks Out

I was never a fan of the Disney movie "UP".  It seemed like such a sad story of aging, real life heartaches, and losses.  Too much like reality that I couldn't enjoy it.  I would have much rather watched a full length movie of the young characters at this stage of life:

Fun, excitement, imagination, adventure, innocence, and sweet love.  Not to mention their adorable faces!  I've always been a romantic.

Yet, lately, this image of "UP" has been pressing in on my spirit:

The reality is that foster care is exactly what this image in "UP" depicts.  Opening your home to a child(ren) and filling up their empty places with Jesus, love, security, care, safety, routines, and the chance to cope with the traumas they've experienced in their short years.  Foster parents tether these children to all that is right and good while knowing it may be required to launch them up and away and relocate from your home to a land not flowing with milk and honey.

It's subtle, yet I can feel it all the same.  Short bursts of air leaving my mama heart in the every day happenings; reminding me time is short and precious.  The very early stages of launching Emily and Sandy into the reunification process have begun.  Quite possibly, this summer will come to a close by moving these two little sisters back into an apartment with their mother and her village.  My heart hurts because I know what this means for them.

We may only have four months left with Emily and Sandy being part of our family.  This mama watches everyday happenings and clings to the moments, knowing each day is likely lifting these girls slightly higher out of my grasp.  Time is slowly leaking the love from my heart as I do my best to prepare for one day in August when I will have to fully let go and release them.  It's as if my mind is already taking snapshots so that I may remember when I cannot touch and see.

We have been filling up these girls for close to a year now.  Attachment is a very raw part of life.  Necessary, natural, and painful all the same.  My heart knows Jesus is the Only One anchoring us and Only His plans will prevail.

For now, I watch, I love, I trust, and I pray.  Every day I allow a little bit of Mama-love to leak out and UP as I fill these beautiful girls with enough Jesus to last a lifetime.