Friday, August 2, 2013

The Mama Button

Of all the warnings and advice I received as a woman about to become a Mama for the first time, I cannot remember anyone preparing me for the installation of "The Mama Button".  Looking back I can see its beginnings earlier in my life as I had a heart for children and teaching.  Even before my own children arrived, I would bring home other mama's children to love on and care for.  Little ones simply fill a special spot in the heart of my husband and I; always have and always will.  Even today, our home bustles with children and borrowed children most days, and we couldn't be happier with the love that brings.  Yet I am sure my husband does not have a "Mama Button".  Nope.  That's all me.  The Mama Button .  Somehow, installed during the birth of my first child and set to an even higher level of sensitivity during the birth of my second child.  Anyone else have this crazy thing that goes off randomly?  I'm wondering if I can have it removed?  Is it possible to have a Mama Button un-installed?    The waves of fear, anxiety, compassion, overwhelming love, and the gut level squeeze of your insides that hit unexpectedly can be rather hard to navigate and predict as a Mama.  Much less try to control.  Wouldn't life as a mama be easier if I didn't suffer from such derailments?  To have "The Mama Button" removed I would have to find out just where exactly the doctors strategically placed it unbeknownst to me.  But I'm pretty sure I know where it is.  As many times as my child, your child, or ANY child has set off my mama button, its source isn't found in my "baby pooch" that my children so kindly left behind in both of their grand exits.  No, its higher, and deeper, and wider.  My Mama Button is nestled deep inside the quiet places of my heart.  Placed there by God Himself.  The Mama Button is part of the richest blessing ever bestowed upon a woman given the privilege of being a Mama to one or more of His children.  And giving birth has nothing to do with The Mama Button.  I watch Mamas with little ones whom they did not give birth to, succumb to the Mama Button pressed deep down in their hearts.  Those sneaky little tears and ear-to-ear smiles that give them away to the world....their "Mama Button" is going off deep inside their hearts too.   Do I really want the Mama Button removed?  Never!  I wouldn't be who I am today if God hadn't planted part of His capacity for love deep within the woman He designed me to be.  So bring on the gasps, what-ifs, heart wrenching squeezes, love like no other, tears, fears, and all the other symptoms of my Mama Button that keeps this mama journey real.  God is walking this life with me and writing my mama story page by page.  He knows all about my "Mama Button" He placed within me and He promises to hold  MY hand when being a mama is scary.  Us Mamas are truly blessed to have even a glimpse of the deep love our Father has for us......every time our "Mama Button" goes off and we're frozen in the "mama moment".

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