Friday, January 31, 2014

My Story...for His GLORY!

This past week I gave my testimony in Leaders Council at Community Bible Study.  God has done AMAZING things right before my eyes and I wanted to share with anyone that may need a glimpse of what God can accomplish in anyone's messy life.....
~3 Minute Testimony~
Billie Jo Marker
          My vocabulary has always included God.  I was blessed to grow up in a home where my family lived by God's Word.  It wasn't always pretty and was dysfunctional through many seasons, but always grounded on God's principles which produced an ever-present faith. 
          I recall learning Bible story after Bible story which created an inquisitive mind full of questions that needed explanations.  My Sunday School teachers were faithful to increase my understanding and build my foundation on Jesus.  I made my way through school gaining courage and boldness in my faith each year; carrying the label of "Jesus Freak" with me as I chose to write papers on God and live differently than most of my friends.  No swearing, no school dances, no unbelieving boyfriends, no pop music, no monetary extras, no popularity.  While my girlfriends were writing "Dear Diary", I was journaling "Dear Lord" and pouring my heart and prayers onto paper and up to God.  He was my Rock, my Savior, my strength, and my guide as I grew.  By high school my heart for Jesus and others must have been evident, because my graduating year I received the Senior Superlative of "Most Caring".  I pray this "Jesus Girl" is remembered for my love for God that I shared with others.
          Life quickly blew by with youth group, jobs, dating, internships, college, and of course falling in love and marrying Willie.  He shared my love for God and we built our home on the Lord as we followed His will and lived by His Word.  Times were tough and we survived many transitions, but God's fingerprints were everywhere and His Hand of protection always on us.  He was faithful, even when we were not.
          Two children later, we found ourselves operating in the comfortable "Auto-Pilot" mode.  Routines and a certain degree of laziness pushed  church attendance and God into "an emergency only" status.  If we wanted to sleep in on Sundays, so be it.  We'd make it next week, as long as we could find our Bible Sunday morning.  Life was comfortable.
          The unexpected death of Willie's father began a shattering domino effect of crisis' that spiraled our family into deep heartache and tragedy before we finally landed softly in God's loving arms.  God tripped our "Auto-Pilot" mode into "Survival" mode and we quickly learned the stark contrast between the world's darkness and the Lord's Light.  Childhood abuse confronted, family betrayal, lies, endangered children, lawsuits, false testimonies against us, estrangements, and evil of many degrees, became our reality by no consequences of our own.  We needed a life line back to God and quickly!
          I clearly remember one morning crying out to God, "I can't breathe, I'm lost, and I'm drowning."  He spoke in my heart and prompted me to call a friend who had talked about a CBS Bible study she attended.  I knew I needed to get plugged back in to God's Word because my battles were bigger than I could fight, but not bigger than my God.  God quickly connected the dots and I began to soak up His Word through CBS; no longer drowning in life's injustices, but floating by God's grace and protection.  I participated very little that first year in CBS, because by soaking up and not speaking up, God began a healing process in my soul that changed my life and changed my heart.  The God I had known since a child, rescued this "Jesus Girl" and drew me back to His side.
          True to His Word and Sovereignty,  God intervened and rescued our family out of the evil pit that fought to consume us.  He made us a brand new creation by doing away with all things old and providing all things new.  A new home, a new community, a new job, a new church family, new friends, new ministry opportunities, a new foundation on which to raise our children, new hearts inclined towards Him,  a new love for our Jesus, and a renewed Hope for our broken souls. 
          When asked to share my testimony, I think how boring it would be because I had no dramatic past or conversion since I've known God since a little girl.  But as a lifelong believer, God took what man meant for evil and turned it into something VERY dramatic and life-changing. 
          From ashes to beauty we were restored.  From "Auto-Pilot" to "Jesus Take the Wheel" we surrendered.  This girl's testimony now has it's drama!  I can't help but chuckle at the sense of humor God has. 
          This "Jesus Girl" grew up knowing Jesus, but now I get to spend the rest of my life loving my Jesus--my Rescuer, and serving Him with all of my heart as He leads me, stretches my faith, and chisels me into the woman He designed me to be.  Jesus stole my heart and longs to steal your heart too! 
"Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  
No one comes to the Father except through me." "   ~John 14:6

God is just waiting to make you His "Jesus Girl" in your 
beautiful story......Your Story for His Glory!

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