Sunday, January 26, 2014

Through the Lens of Our Snow Day

ALERT:  Washington County Public Schools will be closed today.

Whether received via email, phone, text, or Facebook, this announcement evokes quite the spectrum of reactions.  Opinions, back-up childcare, cancelled appointments, inconveniences, criticism, and differing perspectives all quickly bubble to the surface.  Facebook becomes littered with everyone's opinion of why or why not WCPS should or should not have made the call they did.  The backlash that the public school system receives, both "for" and "against", still amazes me.  There is only one Superintendent of WCPS and I'm guessing none of the individuals ranting on Facebook ever applied for that job.

So while others grumble and complain and scramble to make accommodations to their snow-day, this Mama counts her blessings that she is able to stay home and enjoy another day with her kiddos.  Life does not go on for us, and together we can hunker down and hit the pause button for a whole day!  I can catch up on projects and housework, while the kids can play and enjoy the freedoms a snow day brings; all of us under one roof, doing our own things while being acutely aware that "we're all home together".  The ULTIMATE snow day is when Dad works from home too.  Sleeping in, snow play, hot cocoa, board games, movies, pajamas, and books.  These are just a few of my favorite [winter] things.  When everyone is home safe in the nest, Mama is a very happy chic!  Don't get me wrong, this chic would much rather "fly south for the winter" where flip flops are required.  But if winter is here, then let it dump all the snow it wants so that home is where my heart can be, at least for one more day.  <3

Wishing more Mamas could see the beauty in a snow day--even when the kids start fighting, the electricity goes out, the library book is due, your work piles up, there is no food in the fridge, the sidewalk needs shoveled, or you're asked for the millionth time "can we pleeeeaaaase invite friends over".......

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